If you're like most people, it happens often. Your ambitious plans were sacrificed to …
A bottomless in-box
The constant stream of minor crises "only you can handle"
Endless details, letters, phone calls, and interruptions that leave you wondering, "Will I ever get caught up?
Wonder no more. You can get caught up — and start getting ahead. How? By learning and mastering these essential skills:
Setting priorities, so you focus on what's important
Controlling your workday, so you move toward your objectives steadily and complete them on time
The payoffs are real and lasting. You'll get more done and be more valuable within your organization. You'll feel less stressed and frazzled. And, best of all, you'll be able to get to the high-priority projects you never seem to have time for. It's no secret that successful people are those who have learned to control their days — instead of letting interruptions, paper chases, and the phone control them. This training will help you and your people …
Identify what's important
Anticipate problems and prevent bottlenecks
Spot the hidden shortcuts in every project
Resolve the conflict when other people's goals compete with yours
Stop procrastinating — get started and get it done
A study in The Wall Street Journal found … on average, white-collar professionals waste 40 percent of each day. Not because they're lazy. Not because they're unmotivated. But because they were never taught how to manage today's fast pace, constant changes, and growing workload. But now, you have the opportunity to do something about it. Discover the best ways for you and your staff to take more control of your jobs — and your lives. Attend Taking Control of Your Workday, and you'll gain the specific skills and ideas that can increase your personal productivity, career potential, and peace of mind. Everyone at your organization will benefit. How is this seminar structured? This seminar is a carefully designed combination of:
Stimulating presentation: Your trainer is an expert at translating concepts into easy-to-apply practices. You'll learn realistic solutions to your toughest time management problems and leave eager to take action immediately.
Exercises: Individual and small-group exercises teach you about your work style and help you develop new time-management skills.
Discussion: Get your questions answered. Share your point of view. See how other people are keeping their busy workdays under control. Plus, a customized workbook will help you take home the key ideas of the seminar — without taking pages of notes.
Seminar Overview
· Getting Organized and Gaining Momentum
Common misconceptions about time usage: a revealing exercise
Identifying the top 10 "time eaters"
The 4 sources of jobs that end up on your to-do list
Beyond the to-do list: additional organizational tools to help you create your daily plan
The one task to complete first thing in the morning for a blast-off start to your day
How to ruthlessly protect and exploit the most productive part of your day
Understanding "controllable" vs. "uncontrollable" time so that you can schedule yourself realistically
How to use a simple time log to understand your time management challenges
· Identifying and Committing to Priorities
The half-hour weekly exercise that will keep you on track with your goals (and enable you to see your progress every day)
The magic of the 80/20 rule: Do you understand it? Do you use it?
Building a Priority Matrix so you don’t waste time on "urgent" but unimportant tasks
How to use the power of goal setting in weight control, personal relationships, and money management
A 4-part goal-setting format you can use for any type of goal
The missing link: connecting your goals to your daily action plan
· Maintaining Balance and Control
How to resist the temptation to do everything yourself
Planning your work space to control interruptions
Signals that let people know you’re busy
5 techniques to shorten unexpected visits
How to gain a full hour every day for your high priorities
How to train people to phone during your preferred call times
Tips for saving time on the phone (one technique will cut a full minute off most calls)
An innovative way to sort and attack your paperwork to stay on track during your work week
The 30-second way to respond to most business correspondence
· Dealing with Meetings, Delegation, and Deadlines
A 3-step process for handling people who think their priorities are more important than yours
5 tips for using "horizontal" delegation
Unclogging the bottlenecks that hold up your jobs
A classic system of delegation that:
Gets people to solve their own problems
Gives you more options for the problems you must solve
Keeps you and your people growing
How to get meetings to start — and end — on time
A simple tool that makes your meetings shorter and more productive
Procrasti-Killers: powerful techniques to get off dead center on stalled projects